Walker Family

Walker Family

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kelsey's Baptism

Time sure does fly! It feels like yesterday that I was holding baby Kelsey in my arms. Now she is eight, I can hardly believe it. Justin and I are so proud of her for making the choice to be baptized. She is such a sweet girl. I hope that she will always remember this special day. Kelsey told me after she was baptized that she felt so good and that she could feel something special. I am so grateful for my family and that we can be together for eternity. The love that I have for my children and my husband continue to grow everyday. We have a little saying in our house that goes like this "I love you so much, it makes my heart hurt". I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the many blessings he brings to our family. I truly am grateful for this gospel and what it brings to my life and my families life. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Birthday Girl!!!

Happy Birthday Kelsey!!!!
I wanted to do a little spotlight on my sweet girl. About a week ago she turned the big 8. This is such a special age because she gets to be baptized. We are so proud of her for being such a good girl. 

Kelsey is such a loving, tender hearted girl who always thinks of others. She is a loyal friend and a loving big sister. Her example to others is exemplified in her daily actions of standing for what she knows is right. She has a big heart full of love that is pure and innocent. Mommy, daddy an sister love you so muchWe are so proud of you for making good decisions in your life and we know that you will continue to do so. 

Here are just a few pictures form her very first friend party
Whoot, Whoot!!!!




Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School!!!

Kelsey and Halley on their first day  of school. This is my little Halley's first time ever at school she is starting kindergarden. And my sweet kelsey is a pro at school now and going into the 2nd Grade. I love these little kiddos so much and I know they will have a great year!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Oregon Coast Trip 2012

We had so much fun on our trip to the coast this year. Some of our road side stops along the way were the Bonneville Dam where we saw the salmon swimming up stream, Fish hatchery, and of course Multnomah Falls. We then arrived at our beach house right on the ocean where we enjoyed a fun filled week of sight seeing and playing in the ocean. We had sunshine everyday that we were there, you couldn't ask for better weather. This year was an exciting one for our little Halley because she was finally tall enough to tour the light house, YEAH! This was her third attempt at going and she loved it. We found lots of cool treasures along the beach. We really got into digging for Agates this year so maybe for Christmas Santa will get us a rock tumbler so we can shine them up. Kelsey was old enough this year to blow her own glass. She ended up making a heart, it is beautiful and she was tickled to death about it. It always feels like the week goes by so fast but thats ok because we are already planning for next year.