Walker Family

Walker Family

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Cancun Mexico 2016

Spring Break 2016
This year we were lucky enough to spend our spring break on the beach in Cancun Mexico. We had so much fun, enjoyed playing in the ocean and taking in the sights. Kelsey and Halley snorkeled for the first time. It was adorable to see them all dolled up in their snorkel gear.  Although it took a lot of reassuring form daddy that all was well in the water and that he would keep us safe. So stood my sweet babies with eyes the size of saucers and hands as wet as the water. Both looking back and forth at each other decided whether or not to take the leap of faith and jump in. They soon mustard up the courage and began to enjoy the adventure. As they dipped their tiny faces into a whole new world I was privileged to witness their pure joy and excitement!  I could hear them yell "look, look theres one." or "mom look I see Nemo." I think even at one point Halley was singing to the fish saying "here fishy, fishy..... here fishy, fishy." Along with our ocean adventures we were able to see the ancient mayan ruins. It was amazing to see a whole city built by hand and to be able to hear the stories of their culture. Truly a family vacation not to be forgotten. 

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